Here are the rules.
- You must attend the event and type out a response of at least five hundred words describing what happened and what you think about it. What surprised you? What challenged you? What did you learn?
- You must email or deliver this response to me within forty-eight hours after the event. I will not accept late responses for any reason.
- You cannot receive partial credit. You either get full credit or none. I recommend write more than five hundred words to guarantee that you receive credit.
- You can only receive extra credit twice this semester. On your response or in your email, tell me if you want this response to count for a DWA or a quiz. By attending two events, you can get credit for two DWAs, two quizzes, or one of each.
- These are the only extra credit opportunities available for this course this entire semester. If you cannot attend them or forget about them, that's understandable, but I will not offer any other opportunities. Because these are extra, I do not feel that I need to ensure they are available for everyone in the class. If you cannot attend them, then focus on getting full credit for the in-class, required activities. Furthermore, if they are canceled, I will not offer backup opportunities.
- Tuesday, February 16, at 7:30 PM: Dr. Laurel Clark lecture on "Barbarities Perpetuated on Females: Gender and Indian Warfare in US History" in Dana 201.
- Wednesday, February 17, at 7:30 PM: "Courageous Convictions" panel in Wilde Auditorium.
- Friday, February 26, or Saturday, February 27, at 7:30 PM: Vagina Monologues performance in Auerbach Auditorium (if you are performing in this, you can write a response about what it's like to be in it as opposed to seeing it).
- Tuesday, April 27, at 7:30 PM: Dr. Paul Siegel lecture on "Gay Rights as a Free-Speech Issue" in Wilde Auditorium.
- Wednesday, April 28, 7:30 PM: Peterson Toscano performace on "Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible" in Wilde Auditorium.
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